Tea with Tonic - Interview Nerves!


1️⃣ PREPARE - the best way to combat your nerves is to go into the interview fully prepared. Practice your interview answers and research the business

2️⃣ FRESH AIR & A WALK - clear your mind before going into the interview. Take a deep breath, go for a walk. Centre yourself

3️⃣ EAT - food stimulates your brain. It sharpens your mind and gives you energy. Never go into a interview with a breakfast (or lunch)

4️⃣ OUTFIT - you will feel more confident if you feel good in what you’re wearing. Plan your outfit.

5️⃣ DON’T RUSH - take your time to get ready. Plan your route. If you feel flustered, that’ll come across during the interview

6️⃣ KNOW YOUR FACTS - go into the interview with your key achievements and successes. When they ask you how much money you made last year, tell them exactly. Take notes into the interview if need be

7️⃣ RATIONALISE YOUR FEAR - remind yourself that you were invited to the interview by the employer; this wouldn’t have happened if they thought you wasn’t right for the role

8️⃣ ADMIT YOU ARE NERVOUS - if all else fails, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you’re nervous. You are only human!

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