Manager - Dan
I'd known SJ for nearly two years before I was ready for a move, but once I made that call she was extremely quick to provide the guidance, sensitivity and support I needed to make the right decision. She recognised I'd had my head down for a long time having been at my last company for 4.5 years and what I needed most was to understand for myself what opportunities were out there. She asked me to book two days off for potential interviews and within a week had confirmed 9 1st interviews over the two days and all with fantastic companies!
Now that might not be everybody's cup of tea but she knew me and knew I'd love the experience and exposure to so many businesses. As I progressed through the interview process she provided a first class candidate experience, ensuring I had all the relevant information and regularly updated me with feedback.
I couldn't be happier where I am now or recommend SJ enough. She's an exceptional Rec2Rec Recruiter. Her knowledge of the market and extensive network make her a must have connection whether you're looking for a move or not.